New York Walks - Joan Lyons

Joan Lyons' New York Walks June 9-11, 2016 is a document of the artist's last trip to NYC with her husband Nathan, as he photographed the city's myriad "signs, marks, and cultural detritus on which he built his vision." The photographs here trace these walks with cascading shadows of passerby across the sidewalks, streets, and gutters. Printed in black and white on newsprint at the Visual Studies Workshop, New York Walks captures the "flow of people, noting the shadows tracing records of passage on the city's streets."
2018 Joan Lyons, 8.25 x 6.625 inches, 64 pages, hand-bound.
VSW Press will be editioning New York Walks as part of the Visual Book Club in celebration of VSW's 50th anniversary. Subscribe to the VSW Press VBC to get this book and three other limited-edition artists books.