Go-Rilla Means War - Crystal Z Campbell

Crystal Z Campbell Go-Rilla Means War
2018, VSW Press, 5.5 x 7.5 inches, 37 pages, perfect bound, edition of 95
Crystal Z Campbell has created a companion book to her installation Go-Rilla Means War. The VSW Press publication includes Campbell’s text from the video element, a dynamic essay on the gentrification that demolished a civil rights theater in Brooklyn’s Bed Stuy neighborhood blended with a prose poem-like narrative encounter within the theater. In place of 35mm film fragments salvaged at the site, the book version uses images from VSW’s archives and other found sources.
Go-Rilla Means War is part of the VSW Press Visual Book Club Subscription. Subscribe to VSW Press and receive four artists' books as we publish them. More info here.