High Tension - Philip Zimmermann

"My work is often about personal events or psychological states in my life. In the late eighties and early nineties, I felt caught in a very stressful life; juggling a demanding job (two actually), two small kids, a marriage, plus trying to find time to do personal art work. I am not someone who responds well to stress, yet seem addicted to it and require it to get stuff done. I wanted to create a book that investigated stress and perhaps even looked into ways of relieving it. The book goes through a clinical recitation of dozens of symptoms of stress. The second part describes slightly tongue-in-cheek solutions for getting rid of stress in one's life. I do think I hit a nerve with this book. People say that it perfectly describes their life and that it really spoke to them."
1993, VSW Press, 5" x 9" pentagonal, 96 pages, offset in 3 colors, 1,000 copies, Smythe sewn with duotone stamped foil cover